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When FBI Agent Zack Stewart is killed, Agent John Ripley takes over the three cases he was working o
A beautiful documentary telling the real story of a homeowner living with a haunting. Bridging the p
In the course of a demonstration in Rome against the opening of a refugee camp, an apocalypse qiwan.
The two best friends Karsten and Petra goes on a cabin holiday for skiing fun. Tough guy Petter is a
A young boy becomes trapped inside America's rigid immigration process. Feature adaptation of the 20
此片改编自智利作家José Donoso的小说,荣获了39项国际大奖,是智利历史上最非凡的电影。讲述的故事发生在一幢残垣败瓦的大宅里,五十八岁的唐安德斯是单身没落贵族,读了一辈子书却活得毫不起劲,颓废
Following the success of their feature debut Jennifer’s Shadow (2004) – an exercise in American Goth
A woman gets an opportunity to save the life of a 12-year old boy who witnessed a death during a thu
公元前3067年,魔蝎大帝(“岩石”洛克Dwayne Johnson 饰)率领大军企图征服世界,但他的野心在长达七年的战役中遭到挫败,他的残兵败部进入神圣的阿姆谢沙漠,严酷的环境使得曾经骁勇的战士们接