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Julia Roberts主演并监制Apple TV+限定剧《他告诉我的最后一件事 The Last Thing He Told Me》。 本剧来自Reese Witherspoon的制片公司H
A cult is about to waken H.P. Lovecraft's most feared creature.
Las Encinas 是西班牙最优秀、门槛最高的学校,也是精英阶层子女就读的去处。在地震震毁一所平民学校后,地方议会决定将学生们分至本地各校中,三个工薪家庭的孩子因此来到这所贵族学校。一无所有的穷孩
Ruby centers on Ruby Landry (Raechelle Banno), born in the Louisiana bayou and watched over by her
克里斯·派恩、米歇尔·威廉姆斯有望加盟间谍题材新片[宝刀未老](All the Old Knives,暂译),[万物理论]导演詹姆斯·马什或将执导本片。故事讲述一对曾经的恋人兼CIA工作伙伴再度见
苦等近两年后,“神夏”迷终于迎来福利。12月3日,BBC一台证实,25日圣诞节当天,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)与马丁·弗里曼(Martin Freeman)主
In 1999 a gang initiation goes wrong when recruits break into the deadly game house of cinema’s fi
When a young soldier, newly returned from war, gets caught up in a drug bust, he is recruited by the
When an ex mercenary's love is kidnapped, he must save her from its tyrannical leader, who he was
Dom and Yas’ paths collide at the least opportune time: when Dom (David Jonsson) is ugly-crying in