Search result: Ben
托马斯(本诺·福尔曼 Benno Fuehrmann 饰)曾是一名士兵,却因为犯下了过错而遭到了解雇,灰头土脸返回了家乡,找不到工作的托马斯整日无所事事,日子过得十分苦闷。母亲的去世给托马斯的生活带来
Mary and Gary want to be 'normal parents'. But their house needs a werewolf-proof basement - can the
TV series follows the robbery of Colombia's central bank in October 1994 when a thieves made off wit
据说在1928年,匈牙利导演贝拉·奥特(艾利·罗素 Eli Roth 饰)曾根据一起发生在罗马尼亚的真实事件拍摄过一部恐怖片。但是在拍摄过程中不断出现离奇诡异的事件,奥特最终失踪,影片也从未完成,更没
一群无薪的建筑工人们出海去异国寻找更好的生活,却一夜之间在海上消失了,被他们留在达喀尔的女人们则饱受莫名高烧之苦。17 岁的艾达私下为爱人苏雷曼(去世的工人之一)而哀悼,但是她已经被许配给另一个男人。
Elie, a young woman from the city, has come to a remote North Atlantic island. It's the spring thaw,
After the mayor of an idyllic island village discovers a child with mysterious powers awash on their