Search result: Egi
该片是一部三段式主题(爱和性)电影,由米开朗基罗•安东尼奥尼(《危险临界点》)、史蒂文•索德伯格(《平衡》)和王家卫(《手》)三位导演联合执导。 《手》讲的是1960年代的香港,年轻的裁缝(张震
When a solar storm wipes out the air traffic control system, Air Force One and a passenger jet lin
The story follows police officers Kata and Arnar, in charge of investigating gruesome murders from
该片是一部三段式主题(爱和性)电影,由米开朗基罗•安东尼奥尼(《危险临界点》)、史蒂文•索德伯格(《平衡》)和王家卫(《手》)三位导演联合执导。 《手》讲的是1960年代的香港,年轻的裁缝(张震
《侯斯顿传奇》讲述了这位传奇时装设计师(伊万·麦克格雷格饰)的故事,他用同名自创品牌建立起象征奢侈、性、地位和名声的时尚帝国,并定义了他所生活的时代(即 20 世纪 7、80 年代的纽约)— 直到
Neneh is a little 12-year-old black girl. Born to dance, she dreams of gaining entry to the Paris Op
When 4 American tourists - Sofia, Carl, Belle and Michael - go on a ghost tour, they get much more t
This film is not based on a real story. It is based on thousands.
Adult Swim另外一个招牌菜。 Based on the comic strip, Huey and Riley move away from the city and out to the