Search result: Gia
In a luxurious seaside villa, a modest young woman finds herself in the company of a strange famil
臭名昭著的连环杀手Joe(杰姆斯·鲍弗 James Purefoy 饰)从死囚大牢逃走,再次大开杀戒,联邦调查局求助于退休探员Ryan Hardy(凯文·贝肯 Kevin Bacon 饰)。九年前,他
A village on the Georgian Black Sea is full of friendly people convinced they know each other. One d
Two 25-year-old men who meet by chance, fall madly in love, and are then separated due to an unexpec
剧集主角是一对双胞胎姐妹Sterling及Blair Wesley(Maddie Phillips与Anjelica Bette Fellini饰演),她们伙拍资深赏金猎人Bowser Simmons
Addie tries to get her village to make a memorial to the women who were put on trial for witch craft
吉米(艾丽·坎伯尔 Ellie Kemper 饰)在一个崇尚世界末日的邪教中生活了整整十五年,之后才被警方救出重回社会,这不仅让吉米成为了新闻频道的当红人物,亦让她得到了人生第一桶金——来自政府的特别
加拿大City原创剧集《Bad Blood》根据加拿大最有影响力的黑手党家族唯一幸存的成员、加拿大黑手党教父Vito Rizzuto的生平故事改编,主要素材来源于畅销书《Business or Blo
由《搶救雷恩大兵》男星愛德華伯恩斯自編自導,設定於 1980 年代,描述一群剛畢業的大學生在曼哈頓追夢之際,仍然不忘自己來自長島故鄉,懷抱著自工薪階級家庭成長所堅持的信念。