Search result: -JosephPatrick
A Mexican teenager whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are disrupted when his mother dies. He's
With the world's most recognizable city as its backdrop, LONDON KILLS will dramatize the experiences
【雙面天才】(Genius)是迪士尼所製作的一部TV電影,於1999年於美國的迪士尼頻道首度播出。 本片故事敘述有一位天才少年 Charlie Boyle,小小年紀就因為天資聰穎,獲准保送到大學
Based on real events, the story of how 'Hell's Gate' at Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas came to have it
London Kills tells the story of a team of top murder detectives, shot like a documentary. Each episo
Lindsey Lou's father has gone missing on a mountaineering expedition and she's determined to find
布雷克(Michael Pitt 饰)一个通身充满忧郁气质、内心敏感纤细的音乐人。商品社会和都市喧嚣已经让他精疲力竭,他从大都会逃脱,躲在森林中的别墅。穿着怪异的他每日喃喃自语在林中穿梭游荡,荣誉
Based on the Hit U.K. Series The Driver, Esposito stars as Gracian “Gray” Parish, a family man and p
本剧改编自朱丽叶·麦克丹尼尔的小说,设定在1970年代早期,讲述玛克辛·西蒙斯(克里斯汀·韦格 饰)试图在美国最高档的餐桌——棕榈滩上流社会中占据一席之地。当玛克辛试图跨越富人和穷人之间那道不可逾越的