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Vivica A. Fox makes her Bring It On debut as Cheer Goddess, the Internet's most popular "Ch
Project sees Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele in front of a live studio audience bantering about
A 11-year-old Lacy, her mother Janet, three people who come into their lives over one summer in 1991
为了拯救罹患重病的母亲,女大学生米拉(莫迪埃夫罗西娜 饰)跟一群朋友前往偏远的山村「舞者村」,要将母亲收藏的手环归还给守护当地的妖怪「巴达拉乌希」(奥若拉莎拉 饰),结果却意外引发一连串恐怖的遭遇……
一个手忙脚乱的父亲(莫罗尼 饰)购买了一个家政服务机器人(福克斯 饰)来帮忙打理家务、照顾家人,然而随着机器人的意识觉醒,一家人反而陷入了危机之中……
After a meltdown, a demoted detective is given the opportunity to go undercover and take down the mo
Follows Juan, an agent working for the intelligence services, who also reports to a parallel unit in