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"A Christmas Carol" turns into "A Christmas Corral" as the animals of Woodsley
故事发生在充满了人文气息的古城罗马,马乌罗(米歇尔·皮寇利 Michel Piccoli 饰)和马尔达(阿努克·艾梅 Anouk Aimee 饰)是一对相依为命的兄妹,两人均是单身,而马尔达患有严
  Set on Christmas Eve in a small convenience store near the bottom of the socioeconomic f
安德丽亚·瑞斯波罗格(《黑镜》《斯大林之死》)有望加盟两个新项目:尼古拉斯·佩谢执导的新翻拍版《咒怨》,和亚马逊&天空电视台打造的限定剧《零零零》(Zero, Zero, Zero)。 《零零零
A coming of age comedy about a 17-year-old in who asks his three best friends to help him get in h
The story of Mickey Bolitar and his new life with a mom in rehab, a dead father, an annoying aunt,
恋爱上线中》由梁赫群、何妤玟、白云结合由 林襄、孟洁、YURI 等15位台湾最火辣啦啦队应援团联手主持,打造一场最真实、最残酷的恋爱故事...
在波特家的地板缝里,居住着波德一家人,波德一族天生拥有着迷你的身材,靠着寄宿在人类家中,向人类借生活必备品维生。这一天,皮特(布莱德利·皮尔斯 Bradley Pierce 饰)向往常一样告别了父母前