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Filled with expectations, Etienne moves to Paris from Lyon to study film directing at the Sorbonne.
Nala, a 13-year-old girl from the city, travels with her family to her grandmother's home in the
An aspiring playwright in New York strikes up a friendship with a guy while on the rebound from a br
Death Rides a Horse (aka Da uomo a uomo, or As Man to Man) is a 1967 spaghetti western directed by G
艾连妮(英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman 饰)是一位生活在罗马的美国贵妇,每一天都过着不问世事养尊处优的生活。对于外面的世界究竟发生了什么,艾连妮并不清楚,也不感兴趣,她的全部精力都投注到了
故事发生在不久的将来,人工智能风靡一时,自然发展成为遥远的记忆。纽约一对夫妻瑞秋和阿尔维准备将关系发展到下一个阶段,组建一个家庭。 瑞秋的工作让他们有机会使用科技巨头帕伽索斯公司开发的一种新工具—
弗兰克(乔·斯皮内尔 Joe Spinell 饰)和母亲过着相依为命的生活,虽然母亲常常虐待他,但弗兰克对母亲还是有着深深的依恋。在一场意外中,母亲不幸丧生,痛不欲生的弗兰克常年压抑的扭曲性格终于爆发
影片聚焦臭名昭著的波士顿扼杀者谋杀案:1962年到1964年,13名单身女性在公寓被袭击、性侵、勒死,警方经调查锁定嫌犯Albert DeS alvo,后者认罪被判终身监禁,之后在监狱被人杀死。此案存
A group of young friends from the Bronx fight to save their neighborhood from gentrification...and v